
Support LGBTQIA+ grad socials and advocacy at MIT!

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Our project promotes community and belonging among LGBT+-identifying members of the MIT community.


raised by 0 people

$3,000 goal

About This Campaign

MIT history has seen significant progress in LGBTQIA+ visibility, and it is now more important than ever that this legacy continues.

Our project has two goals: 

  1. To uplift a marginalized community through creativity and joy
  2. To engage allies in a space that promotes education and connection. 

This year, we will launch an event at MIT to celebrate the diversity of sexual and gender minorities and build community in the greater Boston-Cambridge area, the first of its kind. As leaders of LGBTQ Grad, we recognize the challenges trans and gender non-conforming (TGNC) students face in connecting with peers. Our project aims to create a joyful and creative space for TGNC individuals while inviting allies to participate and educate the broader MIT community. 

We hope this event fosters community and encourages the expression of queer joy.


The establishment of the Student Homophile League in 1969 coincided with the Stonewall resistance, marking a pivotal moment for LGBTQ+ progress on campus. Despite early challenges, MIT consistently advanced LGBTQIA+ rights, with significant milestones including the 1981 policy that protected sexual orientation, the formation of the Gay and Lesbian Student Union (GLSU) in 1986, the display of the AIDS Memorial Quilt in 1990, and the creation of a resource center for LGBTQ+ students in 2001. Initiatives like the "You Are Welcome Here" campaign in 2010, gender-inclusive housing in 2014-2015, all-gender restrooms in 2019, and chosen names on diplomas in 2022 further highlight MIT's trajectory of increasing inclusivity and recognition of diverse identities

Our way of thanking you

Supporters will be thanked in digital acknowledgements displayed at LGBT Grad @ MIT events.

Giving Activity