
Racing toward the future with MIT Motorsports

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Dedicate your tenth of a second to our most advanced race car yet.


raised by 0 people

$15,000 goal

About This Campaign

TLDR: We’re a student team that designs, builds, and drives an electric race car. This year we’re going four-wheel drive and autonomous. All donations are tax-deductible. 

A team that's family. A shop that's home.

MIT Motorsports is a student-run racing team consisting of nearly 120 members across subteams including mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, software, and management. Annually, we completely design, manufacture, and race a new electric Formula One style race car from the ground up. We compete in Formula SAE Electric and Formula Hybrid+Electric, competitions that draw over 10,000 spectators and participants. Competitions consist of dynamic events including endurance, acceleration, and autocross. In addition, industry professionals judge us on design rationale and business acumen.

Bridging theoretical knowledge with practical application.

The MIT Motorsports experience is invaluable because we're not just reading about electric powertrains in textbooks–we're building them, testing them, and pushing their limits. Each member owns a system on the car, delivering a fast-paced, fast-turnaround environment that emphasizes personal responsibility and growth. 

What truly energizes MIT Motorsports is our future. This upcoming year, we’re using AI to go autonomous, implementing fused LiDAR and camera technology and building a perception stack. Our car will feature four-wheel drive, torque vectoring, regenerative braking, as well as active aerodynamics, making this our most technical car to date, and what we’d argue—the most exciting build project on MIT’s campus. 

Your support fuels more than our growth as engineers—it powers our futures. 

In the 2024 season alone, our team won both the Scrutineers’ Award as well as the Test Equity Award, placing first in design and 5th overall at the competition. This upcoming season, MIT Motorsports aims to further iterate on these successes with our Model Year 2025 car while also implementing a four-wheel drive system and proprietary autonomous platform that will take us into 2026 and beyond. However, since MIT Motorsports is a non-profit student team, our success would not be possible without the generous support of our alumni, family members, students, and friends, like you. Your commitment is driving us forward. 

Limited-time promotion: adopt-a-module!

Support MIT Motorsports with a suggested, tax-deductible gift of $2025 (for Model Year 2025) and have one of our six accumulator modules designated in your name. Your choice of logo/text will appear on your adopted module, and your name will appear on our race car. 

Welcome to the team + our swag. 

All donations are tax-deductible.

$150 = MIT Motorsports stickers.

$250 = MIT Motorsports hat.

$650 = MIT Motorsports shirt.

$1,000 = MIT Motorsports jacket, name/logo on website, invitation to team events. 

$2,025 = Adopt-a-module, logo on car, MIT Motorsports jacket.

$5,000 = Private driver training, invitation to testing days, social media features. 

If you are interested in a corporate sponsorship to this campaign, please email and check out our sponsorship packet

The team is also active on social media. Feel free to follow us on Instagram (@mitmotorsports) and LinkedIn (MIT Motorsports) to see what we are up to. 

Giving Activity